Saturday, May 2, 2009


What can I say...Lindsay's recovery is going as smooth as it gets. We were able to see her in the ICU about 11:30 a.m. this morning. We held her hands, talked to her and waited patiently for responses. Immediately she was squeezing our hands, nodding and shaking her head yes and no. She had even lifted her eyebrows and the best part is she opened her eyes a few times. That was just our first visit with her. We are only able to see her for a half hour every other hour. Each visit throughout the day was getting better and better as her responses enhanced. Her ventilator was taken out this afternoon and she is breathing all on her own! The nurse wants Lindsay to cough and take deep breaths to get CO2 out of her lungs. If she does not do this they may have to intubate her again. We do not want that so please pray for her. She had also received a blood transfusion today as well. I can't stress enough how well Lindsay is recovering. She has more color to her skin, and her fingers and toes are not blue because she is getting oxygen to them now!
We have been asking Lindsay if she can feel a difference with her new lungs but she tells us she feels some pain, but that she can actually breathe! Praise God! She still has a tube that is in her nose, to the back of her throat, then to her stomach. Towards the end of the night she was able to speak to us, but her reaction time to our questions is a little slow because the tube in her throat is not very comfortable. It is said she will be in ICU until Monday and possibly move out of ICU onto a floor unit for about a week. Of course this depends on her recovery and if she is doing well they will move her to the apartments across the street from Stanford. I will keep you guys updated only if you keep Lindsay in your prayers. Just kidding I will keep you posted.
I will not be posting any pictures on the web of her ICU recovery until she is coherent enough to say so because some of the pictures are pretty graphic and I am not sure if she wants them up yet. Of course this is Lindsay, and she will be happy to show them with you, but I am not comfortable without her knowledge first. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Just heard the news this morning - I'm so excited at how fast God answered prayer! We'll be keeping Lindsay in prayer as she recovers and adjusts!
