Monday, May 4, 2009

Out Of ICU!

We were expecting Lindsay to be moved out of ICU today and she was moved around 5:45 p.m. Possibly in the next week (7-8 days) we will be moving to the apartments across the street for a month or so. She is now in her own room so hopefully she can get some sleep. Lindsay didn't get much sleep last night because unfortunately her roommate was keeping her up.

As Amie, Brie and I walk into her room this morning we noticed her hair. It was the cutest 'do' ever. Brie had asked her who did it for her and she said "my bed." It was just up in a pony tail but was sticking straight up. By the way she wants me to tell all of you guys she is "looking good." I got to watch her get out of her chair and walk to her bed. Of course she had help but she was doing most of it on her own. The nurse told her she was dancing because she had to waddle to get to the bed. 2 of her 4 chest tubes were taken out today and she is also hooked up to less IVs. Tears always come to my eyes because she surprises me every day on her great progress.
This photo was taken on day 2. She looks like the same Lindsay (well except for the hospital gear) but she is heavily medicated so she has her moments of looking her best! Her pupils are extremely small. I will post a photo of her cute hair do as soon as I can. I know you can't see much but you can see the smile on her face and how fast she is recovering only after 2 days.


  1. lindsay you look beautiful, you are in my prays, and every moment of my thoughts. keep up your strenth, its worth every breath. will see you soon, love you aunt shari & grammy, can't forget zoyie and little heidi and your cous ryan, the gang from idaho.

  2. Atta Girl! Lindsay has always been super strong! I am so amazed at your courage and contant possitive attitude! Love you lots and keep amazing us!
