Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Old Lungs *Graphic*

Lindsay, Amie and I got to see Lindsay's old lungs today. We did not just see them we got to hold them, take pictures with them and kiss them GOODBYE!!!! Not really kiss...but you know what I mean. What an experience that was. I will probably never get the chance to do anything like that in my life again, but it was so nice to see an organ that is inside the human body. It was kind of sad also looking at her poor, unhealthy lungs. In the bottom pictures the lungs have pores with little holes and white 'stuff' surrounding the inside of the pores. Well the 'stuff' is mucus that should not be there in order for the pore to be bigger in order for Lindsay to breathe well. The mucus dries up and hardens making it more impossible to breathe. Now these lungs look like she was a smoker, but it is actually a dye they put on the lungs to preserve them. You all saw a picture of her lungs when they were 1st taken out. Then they were pink and white. Well the white that we saw was considered 'end stage' in a CF lung. You can still see them in these pictures. Who knows how much longer Lindsay would be alive if she still had them. And yes we had to go to the "Gross Room" to view them.

1 comment:

  1. OMG That is so awesome! What a great experience for you girls.
