Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lindsay's Notes to the People

Lindsay wanted me to share with her followers and readers some updates:
*She wants to be off her clear liquid diet cause she needs real food, but unfortunately Doctor's order. They are taking precautions because there is a chance she can aspirate food into her new lungs and that could be fatal. Her meals consist of broth, jello, cranberry & apple juice, and Italian ice. Craig already tried bring Jamba Juice, but it was a no-go.
* As soon as the Dr. brings Lindsay a new/special mask she will be able to exercise by walking the halls. (I assume it is some type of respirator.) She feels weak because she has done no walking.
*Prior to her transplant her lung function was at 27%. You and I would be around 98-100% possibly higher. She won't be able to do the breathing test that measures until a few months but she will be glad to have 50%. I think she will do higher, but she would love to see that # because she has been between 19 and 29% for so long. I don't remember the last time she was above 30. She was off her oxygen today, but later in the afternoon her O2 saturation was fluctuation between 89 and 94. so the nurse decided to put her on 1 liter of O2. Lindsay was bummed because she was trying to go all day without it but the nurse said 1 liter won't set her back to much. You know Lindsay, always trying to be strong and independent.
*The nurse gave her a list of oral medications she will have to memorize and take. She has to memorize the name, dose (how much & when) and what the pill does for her. This list consist of 16 medications. Some are duplicates because of the dosage and some will be weened away in a short time. The Dr. will decide that. Lindsay will be on most of the medications the rest of her life to prevent rejection of the lungs. Most people think she would have rejected them already but there is always a chance of rejection later on.
*Lindsay was trying to remember what day it was and she mentioned she lost a day. I told her that was fine because she has gained more life with the new lungs.
*To break in these new lungs Lindsay needs to cough and blow in to a breathing apparatus. Her coughs were excellent and productive today but it hurts her to cough, so she hugs a pillow on her chest for relief. Her hiccups feel great. She tries to blow into the apparatus at least 10 times every hour to make her lungs stronger.
*On a scale of 1 to 10 her pain is a 4. It is mostly the incision and her throat. Her throat doesn't hurt as much because the tubing was removed, but she said her throat was traumatized by the tubing.

She got her hair washed in a shower cap today by Janis, Jenna, Amie and myself. When she is in the hospital she loves to have her hair braided so it is out of her way and Janis came on her lunch to do it for her. After everyone left we both took long naps. It was well needed. Lindsay is now able to get out of bed (with help) and walk around her room and to the bathroom. She decided to try to eat some warm broth today because she wasn't feeling as hot as yesterday and she said it felt nice to eat something warm. She started to move her head as if she was dancing and snapping her fingers. It was hilarious. I wasn't to sure if that was her or the meds. Speaking of warm, Lindsay had a hypersensitivity reaction to one of the meds. Her arms and face were quite red and flushed and we were told she has 'Red Man Syndrome' as a side effect. It is normal and should go away after the first few doses. She will not be on this medication after she leaves the hospital, so we are good.
Susan thanks for the $6. They wouldn't let me leave.
Keep checking back for more posts and hopefully I can get some pictures up for you. It is a little hard because I don't have a camera so I have been using Dads and I don't have his camera program on my computer.

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